Solutions Architect
Jan 2022 - present
Leads an integrated team of permanent and contracted personnel that are responsible for the deliver of advanced analytics capabilities for Land Domain.
- Established a modern containerised advanced analytics analytics platform that provides collaborative data science platform for Land & Air Domain within the Data Division Private Analytics Cloud (DPAC).
- Demonstrated the use of Computer Vision tools to automated the Terminal Ballistics assessments for the LAND 159 Lethality System Project.
- Leveraged Natural Language Processing algorithm to automate the extract configuration data from technical documents in support of the migration to the new Defence ERP platform.
- Migrating the HUMS Bridge from the Defence External Supplier eHub (DESE) to a containerised solution within IBM Cloud.
Solutions Architect
Sep 2020 - Dec 2021
Led an integrated team of permanent and contracted personnel that are responsible for the design and development of Land Domain’s Data Engineering and Analytics requirements. Assembled a persistent team of data engineering and analytics resources responsible for responding to the constantly evolving business environment.
- Established an adaptive analytics platform that provides decision makers with the visibility needed to deliver effective Land Materiel sustainment. The platform provides an integrated view of the vehicle condition, maintenance activities, and costs for stakeholders across Army Headquarters, Fleet Managers and Army Unit Workshops.
- Implemented an Oil Condition Monitoring framework which integrates datasets received from land vehicle components (i.e. engines and gearboxes), usage history and maintenance records to evaluate the condition of equipment and to automate maintenance actions. This capability is showcased within the Defence Data Strategy on page 28 & 29. DataStrategy2_0.pdf
- Delivered a mobile application (using Python & React) for Army personnel to complete vehicle inspections. The application was able to operate without a web connection with the ability to save inspection data.
Integration Architect
Jan 2020 - Aug 2020
Led the design and implementation of an automated end-to-end IoT network that calculates usage and condition metrics from sensors fitted to land vehicles distributed across Australia, for ingestion into the logistics system within the Defence Protected Environment.
- Worked with ICTSB to obtain security accreditation for the solution at the OFFICIAL:Sensitive level.
- Augmented an existing Data Warehousing platform with R Project to address the advanced analytics needs of the solution data alignment (i.e. interpolation) and digital filtering (i.e. signal processing) of vehicle data.
Data Warehouse Program Manager
November 2010 - June 2015
Managed a team that delivered an end-to-end business intelligence service to the organisation; from requirements analysis, through to development, implementation and sustainment.
- In collaboration with an Industry leader, conducted an Agile Maturity Assessment and optimised the development model using a combination of techniques from Scrum & and Kanban. Reduced the length of development cycles from months to weeks and provided regular demonstrations to customer representatives.
- Delivered the DMO Major Acquisition Project Performance Dashboard that integrated data from the corporate program management systems and delivered a single view of the current and historical performance of the Defence’s capital acquisition program. In addition, the dashboard was augmented with a commentary workflow to manage projects that breached the mandated cost and schedule performance targets.
- Implemented a Data Quality Framework to measure and monitor data compliance with established business policies. This information enabled remediation initiatives to focus on the critical data elements that impact decision makers in the organisation. A commentary application was embedded into the dashboards to enable data stewards to comment on their initiatives.
- Automated the production of a suite of annual reports that compiled the last three years of contract performance information. The reports were are sent to publications team for printing and distribution to the Senate, Defence executives and Industry partners.